As a journalist, blogger and content trainer, this is one of the most common questions I encounter from students: “How to write a blog post?”
That’s quite understandable, considering that every digital marketing student, aspiring blogger, or even writer wants to create an engaging blog post that helps attract thousands or even millions of readers.
After all, a blog post or content is known as the ‘King of the Blog.’
Table of Contents
Why Content is ‘King of the Blog?’
You might know why content is known as the King of the Blog. However, here’re some points that make a blog post extremely important.
A blog can exist only with content or a blog post. Regardless of the nature of the content, you simply can’t create a blog without a blog post of any sort.
Your blog post is the main driver of traffic to your blog. Unless you provide excellent, relevant, and reliable blog posts, there’s little chance anyone would visit your blog site. And we all know that traffic is the single most important factor that decides whether a blog site flourishes or fails.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), email marketing, and social media marketing, among other digital marketing processes, are done on content only. You cannot do any digital marketing processes on a blog site unless there’s high-quality content or blog posts.
The largest search engine in the world, Google, and other smaller ones will display search results only on the merit of your content. If your blog posts are poor, Google won’t push it upwards on its results whenever anyone searches for some specific information.
Affiliate marketing ranks as the mainstay of a blogger’s income. And in order to succeed in affiliate marketing, you need to write excellent blog posts that convince a reader to buy immediately.
Unless you have superb content, it’s impossible to sell something to someone. In fact, recent surveys revealed that 60 percent to 80 percent of shoppers read blogs before actually making a decision to purchase anything.
Hence, it goes without saying that a superb blog post or content is directly proportionate to your success and income as a blogger. And to create amazing content requires some effort and, of course, knowledge. Without flinching, I’ll say that investments of your effort, time, and knowledge will pay richly while blogging.
There’re several more reasons why it’s important to write a superb blog post. However, the ones I list above rank as the most important among these. The following facts and figures would indicate clearly why high-quality content is a must for every blog.
Facts about Blogs Worldwide.
There’re more than 600 million blogs around the world. Over 60 percent of these are in English, followed by about 15 percent in Spanish. About seven percent to 10 percent are in Putonghua or Mandarin Chinese. Blogs in other languages make up the remaining 15 percent to 20 percent.
Fortunately for bloggers, quite a few of these blog sites are non-functional or defunct and hence, don’t figure on Google searches.
However, this number is rapidly changing with an increasing number of individuals in countries around the world becoming aware of the high income that blogging can net.
Therefore, we see an upswing in the number of blogs in languages including Swahili, Hindi, Japanese, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Arabic on the Internet. And the trend is likely to continue as more and more people now prefer content in their native language instead of a foreign tongue.
This translates directly as stiffer competition for any blogger. And the only way to survive, thrive, and flourish in such a rapidly evolving scenario is by providing fantastic and engaging blog posts that’re relevant while performing the necessary digital marketing processes.
The above facts clearly imply that writing engaging and relevant blog posts is a necessity nowadays if you’re serious about making any mark as a blogger.
So, let’s look at how to go about creating a wonderful blog post that really matters both in terms of attracting readers and helping earn an income.
How to Write a Blog Post: Tips & Tweaks
Contrary to popular belief, a wonderful blog post is the culmination of a lot of effort and processes. Though writing a blog post isn’t rocket science or anything difficult, following these tips and tweaks can definitely help you to write a good blog post.
1. Personal Interest & Knowledge Matters
The first thing I always tell students that comes to learn content writing: your personal interest and knowledge about anything matters a lot when you start writing a blog. I’ve seen countless people starting a blog purely with the intention of making money. That doesn’t really work, and such blogs eventually flounder and fail from the very onset.
Therefore, the success of a blog depends upon your personal interest and knowledge about a particular topic. Because when we’re interested in something, we exert extra effort- either knowingly or unknowingly- to learn more and more about it. As a result, you know the stuff you’re writing about and don’t really need to fake interest to learn something that you’re not interested in the first place.
Also, when you’ve personal interests and knowledge, learning something new in the same field isn’t boring. And you can learn that quickly.
To write a blog post, the first thing that you’ll need to do is identify your own interests and knowledge about any particular field. This could be anything: there’s no shortage of topics.
It could be a subject from the school or college curriculum that truly interests you, a hobby, or even something about your profession where you have excellent skills and would love sharing those with others.
Having a personal interest and knowledge is also important in selecting a niche for your blog. For example, if you’re good at cooking and experiment around with ingredients to churn up mouth-watering dishes, you could write blog posts about the cuisine, cooking tips, and recipes.
And if you’re adept in a very complex field such as psychiatry, it’s possible to open a blog that speaks about various psychiatric syndromes, symptoms, and their cures.
Having personal interest and knowledge also helps you find genuine information since nobody can take you for a ride. Meaning you won’t fall victim to fake information put up by other bloggers, and the blog post you create will be authentic and original.
Hence, from my personal experience, I can conclude that knowing about the topic beforehand is the very 1st step in writing a good blog post.
2. Honesty is the Best Policy
The second most important tip to create engaging and relevant blog posts is by exercising complete honesty. This is of supreme importance for affiliate marketers that sell a multitude of products through their blog posts.
Very often, bloggers that do affiliate marketing give preference to profits over honesty. Hence, they create blog posts that either hide some vital information about a product, provide only part of the truth or go head over heels to exaggerate about the stuff.
And affiliate marketers aren’t the only ones to blame. Countless bloggers also do the same while writing about something in the vain hope of attracting the highest possible number of readers. This frequently occurs in articles that deal with freebies and giveaways.
I’ve come across posts that claim free meals for kids are available at over 100 restaurants. And the blog post goes on to list over 100 restaurants while providing vague details about their free meal offers for kids.
An unsuspecting reader takes the pains of going through the entire list, with the hope of finding a place where they can actually get the freebie. Unfortunately, they can’t. Because such bloggers have written and posted such articles merely to drive traffic to their blog site, get subscribers and avoid readers from ‘bouncing’ from the post as part of digital marketing processes.
The lack of honesty while writing blog posts can prove disastrous to your blog and, more seriously, your personal reputation as a blogger. In some countries where bloggers are covered under electronic and digital media laws, you could face a lawsuit either from an unhappy reader or even the business for providing fake information. Because it can embarrass a reader while tarnishing the otherwise healthy reputation of a business for failing to deliver what the blogger claims.
When you’re honest while writing about a product or any other blog post, the reader can sense that. This helps generate trust. And trust develops as loyalty. When your blog posts are truly honest, people who trust will start sharing them through their social media platforms such as Facebook or email. Which works out to fetch you more loyal followers.
One of the best ways to display your honesty to an audience you’ll most likely never meet face-to-face is by including hyperlinks on your content. This clearly shows the reader from where you’ve got the information for the blog post. Alternatively, you could quote the source of information.
At the same time, it’s best to provide hyperlinks or quote very authoritative sources only. Often, some bloggers provide a hyperlink to other blogs or unreliable or even outdated information which isn’t really valid.
When your content is authentic and honest, you might find several other bloggers or company websites providing a backlink to your blog. This is something that every blogger desires since such backlinks push up the rankings of your website.
3. Write for a Broad Audience
While honesty is the key to writing high-quality blog posts, it’s also vital that your content appeals to the broadest possible audience. Despite very sophisticated data analytic processes, it still remains impossible to find out the gender, age or financial, social, professional, or other details about the reader.
In fact, a reader for your blog post could be anyone from a school student- let’s assume a fourth-grader to a senior, a person struggling to make ends meet, or a top executive from some large corporation or a billionaire, for all you know. The only broad metric you’ve for the creation of blog posts is the reader has an interest in your niche and topic and hence, would read your content.
This simply implies that a blogger has to create blog posts that appeal to and meet the needs of a very broad audience that could be located in remote corners of the globe. You could localize your content by providing information whose interest is limited to a specific ethnic community or geographical zone.
Yet that doesn’t prevent people from accessing and reading your blog posts unless you limit the access of your blog either on the basis of age-such as websites of alcohol companies or country- as in the case of certain financial institutions.
One can easily overcome the age check by providing false information or accessing a localized website by using an anonymity proxy or Virtual Private Network. And no blogger in the right senses would limit their audience for any reason.
When you write for a broad audience that’s interested in your niche, you’ll be directly working at increasing the number of followers and people that read your blog posts. This increase in engagement helps push up your ranking on Google and helps your website move upwards on the global website ranking scale. This, in turn, facilitates digital marketing efforts too.
Getting sponsored content and affiliate marketing are also two main reasons why your blog post should cater to a broader spectrum of readers. Every organization or business finds blogs as a highly cost-effective method to advertise. Hence, they’ll be willing to pay you for posting sponsored content.
The wider your reach, the greater the chances of getting sponsored post opportunities and opening another channel of income. And your blog post also stands a better chance of netting customers when thousands of people read your honest posts that’re of universal appeal.
4. Write Responsibly
This brings us to the earlier point of writing for a broad audience. Since we don’t know who’s reading the blog post, a content writer or blogger has to exert extreme responsibility while writing. The first of these is the responsibility toward the reader. And also the responsibility to oneself. This works in several ways, as I’ll now explain.
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic that’s been sickening the world since early 2020 is causing a rise in the consumption of online content. More people are reading blogs now than at any earlier time in the history of mankind.
There’re several reasons for this scenario. The first is, of course, to get independent information about the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2019 or Covid-19 to protect the family and self against this hitherto unknown but apparently fatal disease. The second is to try and find ways and means to treat any possible Covid-19 infections at home or, at least, reduce its effect.
Consequently, we have several blogs that speak about everything from liquor and weed or Cannabis as known to prevent Covid-19 infection to excessive use of disinfectants and sanitizers to keep the virus at bay.
Going strictly by news reports, such articles have proven counterproductive. While the medical fraternity worldwide grapples with finding a proven vaccine or cure for the virus, irresponsibly written blogs have led people to start smoking, rubbing alcohol over their bodies, drinking excessively, or even consuming weed. More desperate attempts, such as drinking sanitizers and disinfectants, are also reported worldwide.
On a smaller scale, a blogger might speak about some superb investment plan that’s destined to doom. And investors could lose millions of dollars collectively.
These scenarios occur because bloggers focus only on driving traffic to their blog posts and display scant or no sense of responsibility.
The end result could be very undesirable: an irresponsibly written blog post can harm someone physically or mar them psychologically, rob them of lifetime savings, or cause other undesirable effects on a person.
For a blogger or content writer too, such happenings don’t augur well. They could be inflicting self-harm by attracting expensive lawsuits that could result in heavy cash fines or even imprisonment. The least that can happen is your career as a blogger or content writer would come to a conclusive halt because of irresponsibly written content.
5. Use Proper Keywords
Now coming to something that might read a bit technical. Always use proper keywords in the right blend and quantity while writing blog posts that rank on Google searches and reach a wide audience.
The easiest way to do this is by enlisting the help of a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specialist on a freelance basis. Give them the topic and niche for your blog and blog post, and they’ll find various keywords that should be blended deftly into your content.
If you’re a newcomer to the term ‘keywords’, here’s a simple, brief explanation.
A keyword is something a person uses while searching for information on Google. These search words or keywords can either be a single word or even a sentence. For example, I can search for information about America using a single word, ‘USA’, or a sentence such as ‘best places to retire in the USA.’
Based upon my keywords, Google algorithms will scan the entire Internet and display results that best suit the word or sentence that I key in. If I merely type ‘USA’, the Google search engine will display everything that’s got to do with the United States of America- from history to jobs, shopping to books, holiday packages, flights and much more.
But when I type ‘best places to retire in the USA’, the search engine will scan the Internet for blog posts and other content that have these keywords in the right blend and right proportion to display results.
This might sound a bit too much: there’re 18 different types of keywords that go into online content. Thankfully, a blogger or content writer needn’t include all these 18 types of keywords since each of them has different purposes. Yet, it does pay well to know them. Because you can use them to get better rankings for your blog posts.
If you don’t wish to enlist the services of an SEO expert, try your hand at online resources such as Ahrefs, SEM Rush, and others.
They provide enough details about the type of keywords and the number of people that search that particular keyword and other similar keywords that searchers on Google use to find different types of information. You can find common keywords that are used in a specific country or geographic zone or even the whole world.
6. Size Doesn’t Matter
While keywords definitely help Google to find and display your blog posts on top of search results, there’s a lot of debate on the size of the content.
I’ve heard a lot of rather convincing arguments that blogposts should consist of at least 3,000 words if one is serious about ranking them and for digital marketing purposes. On the other hand, there’re opponents of this theory that insist that the size or length of a blog post doesn’t really matter.
In my humble opinion, the size of a blog post doesn’t matter much. Instead, the quality of information, writing style, and efforts one exerts on digital marketing processes help your blog post to feature on top of Google searches.
Here’s why. Scientific research proves beyond doubt that the human attention span during our times is on the ebb. Nowadays, people don’t read much longer unless it’s something of deep interest.
And even then, most people won’t read for more than 10 minutes at best. This means your efforts to research and write a 3,000-word blog post could all be in vain, except maybe serve some vague digital marketing purpose. Otherwise, it’s a sheer waste of time, effort, and money.
Instead, I suggest you write blog posts depending solely on the merit of the topic. There’s no point in providing an information overload to the reader.
Because people will read only those points that really matter while leaving the rest of the blog post unread. Others could get daunted by the sheer size of a lengthy blog post and leave your blog site to search for shorter ones.
As a journalist, we limit a news article between 300 words and 500 words as the uppermost limit. And if there’re some important points that need coverage, we do so by writing shorter articles that go alongside the main news item.
This pattern helps a reader to select what they want to read while conveying the main news immediately, without having to bother about side issues.
For writing good blog posts, too, I suggest the same technique, albeit in a different manner. And that’s by dividing your blog posts under various subheadings. You can create superb subheadings based on various keywords.
To do so, separate relevant information from irrelevant chaff. And find out what matters the most. Start your blog post by writing a few sentences about what it’s all about, and why it matters to the reader, and later, provide the necessary information under various subheads.
This way, you can create a blog post of decent size that matches all digital marketing parameters, has sufficient keywords, and provide astute, honest, and responsible information to a reader while preventing boredom.
7. Look for Proper Headlines & Subheads
In the earlier two points, I’ve spoken about keywords and blogpost size while briefly mentioning the use of subheadings. Therefore, in this section, I’ll provide some necessary tips on giving proper headlines and using subheads that matter for writing a blog post.
Again from journalism: newspapers and magazines follow a distinct style when creating headlines and subheads. That’s because they have subeditors who’re creative enough to find excellent, eye-catching headlines and attractive subheads.
These are generally used across a newspaper or magazine, except in some cases while using copies from newswires. In such cases, a subeditor or editor may decide to use a headline and subheads provided by the newswire only.
But while writing blog posts, I’ve come across an altogether different practice. For the sake of ranking or even outranking rivals in the same niche, a lot of bloggers use copycat headlines.
Therefore, you’re the best judge of the type of headlines and subheads that you wish to use for your blog posts. It’s possible to create unique headlines and subheads by blending the right keywords, or you could opt for the copycat model.
While headlines and subheads do matter a lot for ranking content, the overall quality of your blog post and the right blend of keywords in the information within also matter a lot for search engine algorithms.
8. Write it Like a Story
People around the world, regardless of their age or gender, education, or social and financial standing, love to read stories. And without any shred of doubt, that’s the best way to write a blog post too.
In fact, an excellent blog post should read like the author is speaking to the reader in the first person. That’s exactly where your personal interest, experiences, honesty, and responsibility also come into play rather forcefully, to say the least.
For example, if you’re paying attention while reading this blog post, it would be clear that I’m narrating something from my experience as a journalist and content writer while speaking with you in the first person. Maybe that’s why you’re continuing to read this article, despite crossing more than 3,400 words at this juncture.
Because whenever a person reads a story with personal, real-life examples, they tend to identify with your content. You create a scenario where the reader places themselves and thinks. And this fetches the best results for every blogger. In fact, most successful bloggers in the world always write blog posts from their own interests highlighting their own examples.
There’s also a technical angle to writing your blog posts like a narrative or story. And that’s for the benefit of SEO and Google algorithms.
Generally, Google, for some reason, prefers blog posts written in an active voice instead of a passive voice. While some degree of passive voice is acceptable, the reading ease of your blog post depends on the level of active voice or first-person narration.
If you’re beginning the journey as a blogger or want to write blog posts that comply with SEO requirements, I suggest you learn about the Flesch Reading Ease Score. Because Google algorithms and the ranking of your blog posts depend a lot upon your Flesch Reading Ease Score.
9. Understanding Flesch Reading Ease Score
You can find a lot of important information about the Flesch Reading Ease Score here. At the same time, here’re some vital tips on how to try to achieve that magic score of 90 to 100 for your own blog post. There’re lots of free resources where you can copy and paste your content to check the Flesh Reading Ease Score.
And here’re some simple ways to improve this score too.
Broadly speaking, Flesch Reading Ease Score simply means the simplicity of a blog post or any content for a reader.
A score of 90 to 100 means the content would be easily understood by an 11-year-old literate person or a fourth-grader student who knows English.
In fact, a lot of important documents that are used by banks and financial institutions, government, companies, and others comply with Flesh Reading Ease Score. In some countries, it is compulsory for all important documents to be compliant with this score.
Hence, Google too uses Flesch Reading Ease Score as a yardstick while ranking your blog post.
Therefore, the best way to write a blog post that conforms to Flesh Reading Ease Score is by using sentences having a maximum of 20 words as much as possible. And creating paragraphs of only three or four such sentences.
Never use more than two paragraphs, meaning a maximum of six to eight sentences containing a total of 120 to 180 words under a single subheading. If the topic requires more explanation or you’ve to provide additional information, create a separate subhead for that.
One more thing that’s easy to do is use the simplest possible words that’re easily understood universally. As I mentioned earlier, your blog post has to have the widest possible appeal. Your reader might not be a native English speaker. And even a native speaker might be unaware of some words and phrases.
Therefore, never use words or phrases that would cause your reader to look for a dictionary or thesaurus. Such words can put off a reader, and most likely, they’ll never return to your blog or read blog post ever again.
However, there’re exceptions to this rule as well. You can ignore the Flesch Reading Ease Score to some extent if your blog posts are very technical or scientific and cater to a very highly specialized niche.
For example, if you’ll be writing about metallurgy or neurosurgery, it’s understandable that complying with the Flesh Reading Ease score would prove very difficult or even impossible. In such instances, you could focus on the other tips above for writing blog posts.
10. Write with a Purpose
And finally, I emphasize that you always write with a purpose. At the same time, I’m not implying that you write a blog post on subjects that’re least interesting to you personally because that would be similar to faking knowledge. Instead, write with purpose when a niche is of your interest, and you have adequate knowledge.
The first purpose of a blogger while writing a blog post is to serve the public at large, regardless of age, gender, education, and financial standing. For example, a blog post that talks about getting free gift coupons could attract a millionaire, too, since it might prove useful in ways we don’t know or cannot imagine.
When we write an article with the sole objective of meeting people’s needs, there are superb chances of getting countless followers and buyers for your affiliate marketing products. In fact, such blog posts that help people live even a slightly better life attract most readers.
And these readers willingly share these blog posts with relatives, friends, and other contacts through social media to fetch you even more followers.
The other purpose of writing a blog post should be to outranking rivals or competitors. That’s because blogging by itself is a large cat-and-mouse game between other bloggers and Google algorithms.
This doesn't mean that you need to game google's algorithm; it simply implies that your sole purpose of writing a blog post should be to provide the best possible information on that particular topic.
To explain more: Blogposts by themselves can become old and redundant because newer information is always available. When your blog post provides the latest reliable, verifiable, and relevant information, you’ll be actually outranking other bloggers because of the sheer superior quality of your content.
Combine this with excellent and timely digital marketing processes, and you could have a winner blogpost that could also go viral.
Writing with a purpose isn’t all that difficult if you leave aside considerations of money. Instead, focus on how your blog post can help the highest number of people by providing the latest and most relevant information from extremely reliable sources. And you can win the cat-and-mouse game with such blog posts- both with bloggers and Google.
11. Research Spells Success
The most difficult or the most enjoyable part of writing a blog post is the research. It depends on the way you look at research for your article. In fact, the more you research into a topic, there’re superb chances of getting reliable and correct information for a topic.
This brings us to the question: why research when I have a personal interest and knowledge about my niche? The answer is very simple.
Like the legendary scientist and discoverer of gravity, Isaac Newton said, he holds only a grain of sand from a giant beach. Similarly, our knowledge has limitations. There’re various things we would be blissfully unaware about though we might imagine we know everything about something.
When you research, you’re adding to your own knowledge. This culminates in authoritative blogs that people find useful. And authoritative blogs that carry genuine information develops trust, breed loyalty, and increases your standing as a blogger.
There are many sources from which we can do research. Websites of governments, universities, industry and trade organizations, reputed encyclopedias, news, and media outlets are just some of the examples of sources where you can do research for your blog posts.
Always verify and crosscheck the information from multiple sources before getting down to writing a blog post. It’s quite possible you might come across some information that actually opposes your topic. In such cases, you can mention both sides of the topic on your blog post to help people understand various features about something.
12. Look for Trending Topics
The best way to write a blog post that really matters is by looking for trending topics. This doesn’t mean that you write about everything that’s trending on the news or Google Trends. Instead, it needs careful study of trending topics and finding whether any of them really matter to your niche and readers.
Trending topics always attract the highest number of people. At the same time, trending topics also mean stiff competition. Let’s take the example of Covid-19.
A blogger writing about Covid-19 will be competing against news and media organizations, websites of highly respected medical and healthcare, as well as research institutes, financial institutions, and many others who’re known leaders in their field.
There’s nothing to worry about competing against such heavyweights. Instead, you can create a superb blog post on a trending topic by taking relevant information from various reliable websites and post on your blog.
If your information is authentic and verifiable, there’re excellent chances that your blog post will also rank somewhere alongside those of giant organizations.
However, also consider the flipside of chasing Google Trends and trending topics. These are evolving news stories, and hence, you can expect fresher developments either by the day or even by the hour.
In such cases, you’ll have to focus all your energies on updating your blog post accordingly or face the risk of having outdated and irrelevant content on your blog post.
Therefore, I suggest that you use a trending topic for creating blog posts only on a must-have basis. You can judge whether the trending topic matches your reader’s interests. And also whether you can cope with the frequent updates that might be necessary.
Wrap Up
Before concluding, I’ll safely add that writing blog posts becomes very pleasurable when you follow the above tips because it’s impossible to write good blog posts that matter to others unless you enjoy writing them in the very first place.
Regardless of whether you’re writing for your own blog, that of a company, or as a guest post for digital marketing processes, the only way to write a superb blog post is by enjoying the work all the way.
Useful Resources:
Make Money Writing: 15 Ways to Get Paid to Write ($20 Per Hour)
30 Best Online Freelance Writing Jobs Pays $20-$30 per Hour
How to write a blog post outline?
Creating a blog post outline is an essential tool for organizing your ideas and creating a clear, structured post. Start with a clear topic, identify your target audience, create a main idea, headings and subheadings, develop your content, use bullet points and lists, include visuals, add a conclusion, edit and proofread, and add meta tags and optimize for SEO. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your post covers all the important points, is well-written, engaging and easy to read.
How long does it take to write a blog post?
The time it takes to write a blog post can vary depending on the length of the post, the complexity of the topic, and the writer's level of expertise. It can take from 1-2 hours for a short post, 2-3 hours for a medium-length post, and 4-6 hours for a long post. Additional time is needed for research, editing, proofreading, formatting, optimization and sharing the post.
How to write a blog post on wordpress?
Writing a blog post on WordPress is easy, log in to your account, click on “Posts” then “Add New” to create a new post. Enter a title for your post, write the post in the text box, organize it with headings and subheadings, add images and media, preview the post and then hit the publish button. Remember to use the toolbar at the top of the text box to format your text, add links, and insert images. It's also a good idea to preview your post before publishing to make sure it looks the way you want it to.
How to write a business blog post?
Writing a business blog post can be a great way to promote your brand and establish your company as an industry leader. To create effective posts, it's important to have a strategic mindset. Define your goals, research your audience, choose a relevant topic, create an engaging headline, use data and examples, incorporate storytelling, and use visuals. By following these tips, you can create blog posts that will be both informative and engaging for your readers. Remember to always keep your audience in mind, and to focus on providing value in your posts. This will help you to build a loyal audience that will be more likely to engage with your brand and become customers.
How do I start a blog with no experience?
Starting a blog with no experience can be challenging, but with the right tools and resources, anyone can do it. Choose a blogging platform that is easy to use, a domain name that reflects your brand, design your blog with a theme that is easy to navigate. Write high-quality, well-researched content before you launch your blog. Promote your blog on social media, reach out to influencers and other bloggers, and use SEO techniques to help your blog rank well in search engines. Remember to keep learning and experimenting, as blogging is a continuous learning process. With persistence and dedication, you can build a successful blog and reach your target audience.
Which is the easiest blog platform to use?
When it comes to starting a blog, choosing the right platform is crucial., Squarespace, Wix, Blogger, and Medium are considered to be the easiest blog platforms to use. They offer a range of features such as customization, drag and drop editors, e-commerce, SEO and analytics. The best platform for you depends on your specific needs and preferences, research and try out different platforms to find the one that best suits your needs.
Ashwin (Win) Honawar is an accomplished journalist and poignant author with 33 years of experience. He is renowned for his daredevil journalism and engaging narratives that explore various facts of human life and the resilience of the human spirit.