Education Loans Can Be Affordable with This Bank's Assistance 

Know the Criteria also - 


To get an educational loan, you need to the age 18 and 35 for max 7 years of the loan period.

For up to 30 lakhs in the loan amount, SBI needs 7.5 lakhs in collateral, and the loan interest is 7.95% p.a.

For up to 20 lakhs in the loan amount, but with parents' collateral, the loan interest starts at 8.7% p.a.

With a max of 20 lakhs in the loan amount available after security deposits, the loan interest starts at 9.45%-12.01% p.a.

PNB doesn't require collateral for loans up to 7.5 Lacs and its Interest Rate is up to 9.4% 

A loan of up to 20 lakhs can be obtained; collateral is not required for a loan of 4 lakhs. Interest rates start at 6.75 9.85 % -12.01% p.a.

Banks do not require any security deposit amount for loans of up to 4 lakhs

Loan payments are done through post-dated checks or now with monthly electronic instalments 

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