The title of this article, 24 hr hardware stores near me, might get you wondering. Who on earth would need to buy hardware late at night or early in the morning? Why should a hardware store stay open 24 hours a day when there are going to be very few or no takers?
Therefore, I will start by answering this question. As a matter of fact, lots of people require hardware late at night or early morning. These include handypersons and skilled workers such as masons, plumbers, carpenters and lots of others. They buy hardware during their free time, so they don’t need to rush the next day.
Then, we have a large working population that returns home only during late nights or early mornings. Add to these persons who work at garages and workshops and have shifts.
When we consider all these, it’s clear that there’s indeed a large number of people who would go to a hardware store anytime during the day, regardless of the hour or time. In fact, some hardware stores might get more buyers during these odd hours when other retail stores are closed for the day.
These facts prove one basic point: that people require hardware at any time of the day. That’s why some hardware stores are open 24 hours a day and operate on holidays and weekends too.
24 hr hardware store near me
Therefore, the next time you have to buy hardware, either for your own use or for someone else, don’t waste time hunting around town. Instead, simply refer to this list. Here, I will list the top stores where you can buy hardware 24 hours a day, including on weekends and holidays.
Before I proceed, here’s something to bear in mind. The round-the-clock facility might be available at select locations only. Therefore, it’s a good idea to call the store and find out their work hours. It can save you a trip to the store and back.
1. ACE Hardware
Most Americans are aware of the ACE Hardware brand. You can buy all kinds of hardware here, mainly from their brand or some others too. Generally, most ACE Hardware stores in the USA are open 24 hours a week.
2. Kroger
We’re all aware that Kroger sells superb quality groceries at affordable rates. In addition, Kroger also sells hardware at most of its outlets across the US. And some of these are open 24 hours, too. The next time you visit the nearest Kroger, check if they sell hardware and what their work hours are. You might find they’re open round-the-clock.
3. Home Depot
Home Depot is another famous chain of stores in the USA that sells everything from furniture to furnishings and gardening gear. They also have a wide selection of hardware that you can buy. Some of their stores are open 24 hours, depending on the location. Call before you go to the nearest store.
4. 7-Eleven
All 7-Eleven stores are open 24 hours a day. The good news is that some of these stores also sell a few hardware items that are handy at home or in the office. However, the availability of such stuff would largely depend on the location. The next time you visit the nearest 7-Eleven, check if they stock hardware.
5. Convenience Stores
Some convenience stores at gasoline stations in the US also stock certain kinds of hardware. These would mainly be tools and other stuff necessary for vehicle maintenance. However, some of these tools can also be useful at home or in the workplace.
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6. Meijer
Meijer has nearly 250 stores in the US. They sell groceries, foodstuff and lots of other things. At the same time, they also sell some basic hardware that’s handy at home, as well as office and vehicle repairs. Meijer stores work 24 hours at most locations. This means you can walk in and buy hardware anytime from their store.
7. Albertsons
With 2,200 stores in over 35 states, Albertsons is a well-known name for groceries and other home requirements. Their stores also sell basic hardware that’s useful for home and office purposes. Most Albertsons stores are open 24 hours and hence, you can easily find one nearby. However, calling and verifying before going to the location is best.
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8. Giant Eagle
Giant Eagle has close to 500 stores in the US. They sell hardware from ACE and other brands, too. They sell hardware under the home and home improvement category. These are superb quality hardware that one can use for home or workplace or even for vehicle maintenance.
9. Hy-Vee
With some 290 stores in Midwestern states, Hy-Vee is yet one more location where you can buy some basic hardware 24 hours a day. Most of their stores are open well past midnight and in the early hours of the day, too. As a precaution, I suggest you call and check before going to the nearest Hy-Vee store.
10. Safeway
Finally, one of the top destinations for Americans for groceries and other home requirements is Safeway. They have close to 950 stores across the USA, and you can shop for hardware at any of these places. However, not all Safeway stores are open 24 hours. You would have to check the timings of the nearest Safeway. They sell some basic hardware for home needs.
Buying Hardware Online
Suppose you’re still struggling to find a nearby hardware store that’s open round-the-clock. Clearly, the best choice, therefore, would be Amazon. You can buy all sorts of hardware on Amazon at very affordable prices.
An advantage that Amazon offers is the same-day or next-day delivery in some cases, including for Amazon Prime members. You might also get free shipping, which means that hardware will be delivered to your doorstep.
Other places to look for preowned hardware or even new ones are Craigslist, eBay, Shopify and, to some extent, Facebook Marketplace. Here, too, you can shop around the clock but not get the stuff immediately.
Wrap Up
Usually, a few local hardware dealers are open around the clock. If you live in a large city, it’s possible to find where these hardware sellers are located and buy directly. That would also save a lot of time and money.
Ashwin (Win) Honawar is an accomplished journalist and poignant author with 33 years of experience. He is renowned for his daredevil journalism and engaging narratives that explore various facts of human life and the resilience of the human spirit.