Tutorial for Crowd-Sourcing Jobs

Amazon Mechanical Turk or mTurk is a marketplace small micro jobs that can’t be done automatically by computers and so require human ideas to complete these small jobs. mTurk allows small businesses and website owners to access to a diverse, on-demand, scalable workforce and gives workers a selection of thousands of tasks to complete whenever it’s convenient.

Here s the complete tutorial on mTurk. If you want to get good success in mTurk, read every article given below twice or thrice. We have explained everything in a very simple language. Just go through all the links and understand how to make money from mTurk.

Everything about Amazon Mechanical Turk (mTurk)


Understanding Terms Used in mTurk


Step by Step Signup in mTurk


mTurk HIT Tutorial. Explaining How to Complete a HIT


Amazon Mechanical Turk – mTurk Tips & Tricks


What is Turkopticon Toolbar? How to Use This in mTurk


Although Amazon Turk is one of the best crowd-sourcing site where you can make decent money but there are so many sites like mTurk where you can earn very well. Just check here the list of top 10 crowd-sourcing sites.

Now a days mTurk is very strict about the new signup. There are chances that you don’t get the approval in the first attempt. Try again after 1-2 months.

Its better to join other 10 crowd-sourcing site & start earning from them. Get the list & details of these sites here.

Download our make money from crowd-sourcing eBook package here.

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